A life lesson learned from coding and designing

This post is about something that may seem obvious, but I tend to struggle with all the time

Kirk Clarke
Nerd For Tech


Before I jump in, here’s a tiny bit about me. When it comes to all things that are graphic/web design or web development. I am very, very far from anyone I consider an expert. There is so much talent creating content and tools that sometimes I feel like I could never compare. Though despite the occasional feeling of imposter syndrome, I have learned a ton and really enjoy my experiences applying what I’ve learned to help solve problems. Also, blessed and grateful for being able to do something I love for a living. I’ve had enough retail (and food service) in my teenage years through my early twenties to know exactly how good I have it now. (Please respect those who serve you; their lives are already tough enough as is.)

What I struggle with almost daily usually occurs when attempting to tackle a problem. I really enjoy finding the answer and the rush you get from that big ah-ha moment. When all of the effort you put in rearranging ideas, searching for answers, and/or figuring out why something isn’t working pays off. The issue I’m referring to is the trap of pounding away tirelessly to solve some problem and thinking that brute-forcing your way will get you closer to the answer.

It’s an easy trap to fall into. So easy that you can knowingly be in it and still find it damn near impossible to escape. I bet there are many ways, saying, and quotes that explain the solution, but I’ll lay it out in what I think are my own words.

Clarity often comes when you can step back and get away from what you are focusing on.

Seriously, even before you start getting frustrated or feeling any sort of tension, make an effort to get up, walk away from what you are working on, and do something else. Pushups, squats, a walk, the dishes, anything to get your mind focused on something else. I cannot count the number of times I found a solution to a problem only after I made my escape and switched my focus to something else. A fresh set of eyes and all that.

Like I said earlier, I struggle with it often, but thankfully I am getting better at it, and if you are like me, I hope you are too. Thanks for reading!

Image credit: Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash



Kirk Clarke
Nerd For Tech

Senior Web (UI/UX) Designer & Engineer. Loves learning new things and solving problems. https://kirkclarke.com/ https://twitter.com/kclarkedesign